Wednesday, February 21, 2024 (8:00 AM - 2:00 PM) (CST)
Create Wisconsin Day, Wisconsin’s most important statewide creative sector conference, will be presented by Create Wisconsin, the state’s community cultural development organization,
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
9 am - 2 pm
at the Overture Center for the Arts in downtown Madison.
To register -
At Create Wisconsin Day, people involved in the arts, culture, and creativity throughout Wisconsin come together to learn, network and speak as one voice. This is an important time for colleagues and friends to make real change and galvanize support to increase investment in Wisconsin’s creative resources.
These are Create Wisconsin’s top legislative priorities for 2024:
Wisconsin Artistic Endowment Foundation: Senate Bill (SB) 897 and Assembly Bill (AB) 896 have been introduced in the Legislature to update the Wisconsin Artistic Endowment Foundation, a major step in reigniting Wisconsin's investment in the creative economy. The Foundation will support the growth and development of Wisconsin's creative economies through direct investments in artistic and culturally-based businesses and creative entrepreneurs. Lead sponsors are Representative Todd Novak (R-Dodgeville) and Senator Jesse James (R-Altoona). Click here to ask your legislators to support SB 897 and AB 896.
Rural Creative Economy Development Program: Senate Bill 448 and Assembly Bill 449 will establish legislation to provide much needed state support to economic development and promotional organizations and local government agencies for the purpose of cultural planning and creative economic development programs. Eligible projects will serve the rural creative economy and creative industries through hob and business creation and capacity-building, workforce training and development, community and sector planning, development and engagement, and products or services with artistic, cultural, creative, or aesthetic qualities. Rep. Novak and Sen. Romaine Quinn (R-Rice Lake) are sponsors of the bill. Click here to ask your legislators to support SB448 and AB449.
Action Wisconsin is a coalition of people and businesses working to create and retain jobs, enhance the economy, and promote tourism state-wide through film and television production. Reps. David Armstrong & Calvin Callahan and Sen. Julian Bradley are seeking sponsors for LRB 4134 & LRB 5827: Film & Television Production Incentives and Creating a State Film Office, to grow jobs and investment through more film and television programs and projects produced throughout the state. Click here for more info, to be updated as we have it.
Create Wisconsin Day and the pre-conference will feature speakers, including Wisconsin Poet Laureate Nicholas Gulig, roundtable sessions, performances, sponsor exhibits, and more. This is the biggest opportunity of the year for creative entrepreneurs and organization representatives to network, learn, and share ideas on the critical issues facing the arts and creativity, and Wisconsin.
Wisconsin's creative sector is a $10.8 billion industry, according to the US Department of Commerce, generating almost 90,000 jobs, with the nonprofit sector alone generating $933.3 million in economic activity. Despite those impressive numbers, our state’s current minimal investment puts us at 49th out of 50 states in per capita funding. Many other states, including our neighbors Minnesota and Iowa, are strategically investing in the creative industries to promote a higher standard of living and attract residents and visitors.
Wisconsin must seize the opportunity to prioritize the arts, culture, and creativity to ensure that our state can thrive and compete regionally and globally. Read more in this case statement for creative sector investment.
The Create Wisconsin Day registration fee of $40 covers morning coffee, lunch, and advocacy materials. Register today and make sure Wisconsin’s creative voice is heard at the State Capitol.
For more information, contact Create Wisconsin, | 608 255 8316.
The Create Wisconsin Day registration fee of $40 covers morning coffee, lunch, and advocacy materials.